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Limited (in)Vulnerability Project


Limited (in)Vulnerability Project (LIP) was I project I founded and ran with young people in Greater Manchester, exploring the theme of vulnerability through making games. It was supported by Arts Council England, and a number of other arts organisations within Greater Manchester. 


The project ran for 8 weeks, and in that time we explored using Twine and Bitsy game engines to create the games, before helping each young person develop and iterate upon their ideas. You can play one of the games made as part of this project here:



My work on this project involved two main aspects. The first was design work. I worked with another designer (Nick Murray), who led on aspects of teaching Twine and Bitsy to the young people, whilst I was responsible for the creative development of their work. This involved holding 1:1 sessions with each young person to ask them questions about their game,  to mentor them in the development of their design skills, and to make suggestions for how they could improve it.

The other main aspects of the work was in producing and managing the project. This included managing a discord server for the young people to communicate in, fundraising for the project, and producing all relevant documentation and materials necessary to share the project with the public. 

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